New England Sketchbook Pages Updated

Here’s the finished drawing from the previous post. It’s on New England Sketchbook 1

I’ve just updated my New England Sketchbook Page, and as it was getting a little unwieldy, I’ve added a second one, New England Sketchbook Page: Critters N’ More. The first page has been updated further. Some of the older versions of my forest drawings are now brightened with pastel color touches.

Snow Patch, graphite and pastel on Rives BFK. Before and after pastel addition.

Sugar Maple, Swift River ravine, Petersham

Swift River Sugar Maple, before and after

I’ve been keeping all my drawings out where I can see them, hung up to dry on clotheslines strung around the house. Literally. Clothespins hold them on the lines. It’s useful to see the development of a large number of works; you can see where your muse is taking you, watch for improvement, check for the emergence of new ideas. The latest idea is color- what a concept.

And so you can see what it’s like drawing out there in the woods, take a look at what the well-dressed sketcher is wearing these days. I’m drawing a spruce tree and surrounded by frustrated mosquitoes, although usually the favored insect is blackfly. I can’t decide which I like better!

Laugh if you will, but I feel oh-so pretty in my BugBaffler Hoodie. Cinematography by Dr. M. Kaspari.

6 thoughts on “New England Sketchbook Pages Updated

  1. Becky says:

    Love it! The drawings are awesome — love the “new” color and especially the video of you drawing with your new hoodie. Kudos to your hoodie maker and the cinematographer!

  2. marcio rocha says:

    Debby. I think very beauthiful your artwork. You are amazing.
    I like to see the draws and paints. God bless you.
    Debby. E acho muito lindo teu trabalho. Você é maravilhosa.
    Eu gosto de ver os desenhos e pinturas. Deus te abençoe.

    Márcio Rocha

  3. TR says:

    You look oh-so-glam in the hoodie! Is that Gap’s or Old Navy’s version? You will start a fashion trend back home I’m sure when you return. You will return won’t you? Its looking like your having a little too much fun. I will say we are still bug free down here. The weather has been spectacular.

    Your New England work is stunning and such a visual feast. I’m going to find some incredible stuff to photograph here with which to entice you and lure you back home. Who needs beaches and forests? The little purple wine cups blooming on the prairies are begging to be rendered on your over-ordered extra large paper.

  4. Janet Wilkins says:

    I love it when you add color, it brings such “life” to the forest scenes. I also love your hoodie, I’m certainly not laughing, especially knowing just how much those black flies can bug the hell out of anyone.

    Sounds like TR is worried that you’ve fallen for “my” New England. 😀 Hey, but, aren’t you supposed to go to Panama next?

  5. Rawls says:

    Hey Debby,
    Absolutely beautiful work here my friend! I found your site while doing some research for a music video that I`m currently working on. I`m an animator from Toronto, and I`m doing a video which invloves an animated bird. Of course, I ended up coming across your bird sketches, which were very inspiring. Keep up the great work!…and I`ll be posting some of my desings on my blog soon if you want to check them out!!

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